The Foundation Pillars of Language Learning

Picturise this – you have built a house with a fragile base. Will it withstand all weather conditions?

You bet that you want to build a house on a solid foundation. Similarly, the language learning is built on a solid foundation of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing – The four processes that make you a well-rounded English speaker.

It took me years of successes and failures together in using and teaching English language to realize the importance of these four pillars. The Lighthouse effect was only created when I spent hours and hours of learning English over these years, where I actually engaged to read, write, speak or listen to English to achieve fluency.

Typically, people struggle with listening – comprehending – speaking cycle of English language learning. Many people soon realize that they are stronger in writing this language than responding in it ufabet.

As I have always believed, the measurement of success in any communication, Verbal or non-verbal, in English or not, is from the point of view of how effectively Listening is carried out and comprehended.

When I was learning French, I set myself up with a goal that I will successfully complete my 35 hours of Coaching. To my dismay, even after completing the Cross Culture and French program of yet another 35 hours in Paris, didn’t get my Listening and responsiveness up to the mark. Only after being in the moment and on the streets of Paris, is when I started investing deeply in Listening. My biggest aim was to respond fluently and hold confident conversations to manage my routine day in this language.

3 months of intensive study, switching and giving attention to detail in each skill of learning, and 3 years of expatriation to a foreign country helped me to learn a new language.

Newton’s third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, if you want to gain fluency and accuracy in speaking English, you need to ensure that you switch the mindset and attitude towards learning each of these foundation pillars.

Let us now understand these four cornerstones that build our English spaking journey.

Listening and Comprehending
None of these skills work in silos.

If you are reading, you may resort to writing for easier recall.

If you are listening, you are always comprehending to respond

If you are writing, you speak the language out with reading or paraphrase it for easy comprehension.

Once you dabble and master these four skills, you start becoming more fluent and in control of the language. You start enjoying the language!

So friends, let us look into how you can sharpen your reading skills in this Phase I of the article on how to ensure absolute fluency and flair of speaking this language.

Part I: How to Improve Your Reading Skills

The wishing well to improve one’s reading skills lies in books! Books are a haven of vocabulary, sentences, stories, and many interesting elements that add up to your Spoken English journey.

They help you to discover the culture, personalities, regions, and many new concepts that will expand your senses. With the online books available in thousands of languages, reading has just become easier and freely available.


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