Enjoy Your Day Spa And Relax Completely at Ora Regenesis Spa

Enjoy Your Day Spa and Relax Completely 출장마사지.

Arrive approximately 10 to 15 minutes before, since you usually have to complete some documents. A medical questionnaire, some send it to you before your arrival so you can complete it in advance, others like to talk and ask the questions themselves.

Drink plenty of water, drink throughout the day, and water is usually in water fountains with plastic cups. You need water to hydrate, the sauna and some massage treatments can be dehydrating, so you should keep your water levels high.

If you are not sure, nobody cares and spa girls are usually very polite and polite.

Eat a small light lunch so it is not too full and just want to sleep.

Observe the available treatments and book before you go, so you know what you are doing. Choose appropriate treatments, such as relaxing or invigorating, depending on what you want from them. If you are not sure, ask the therapist, who will be happy to help you.

If you have a massage or a body scrub, you will be given paper pants so you do not have to worry about your bikini pants or swimsuit being greasy. If you wear a full bathing suit, just slip on your paper pants and you’ll be fine. The towels will cover you and only expose the part of the body that is receiving the treatment.

Choose a day of the week if you can, usually they are less busy than weekends and stay away from the Valentine’s weekend, and it will be full of couples, unless that is what you want.

There will also be moisturizers and beautiful things to buy, decide in advance if you want this expense, since they will be your own brand, which you are trying to promote, or an expensive brand to which commission will be charged. There is no problem with buying anything that you think is beneficial, just decide how much earlier, if you do not want to lose your cards, then you cannot. If you do, make a budget before you go, when you are not relaxed and get carried away by the general atmosphere of the place.



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